Monday, December 28, 2009

The Joy of Christmas

Look at these two cuties under Grandma's tree. Better yet, look at all of those presents. As Grandpa and I said, "ridiculous, just ridiculous." Next year we are giving more to charity!

Here's the fam.

Buddy and his cousin on the plasma car. The plasma car was a gift for Buddy's cousins, and it sure was a hit!

Grandma with her new Wii boxing gloves. Can't wait to see her knock someone out! More Christmas pics to come.

Monday, December 21, 2009

First Christmas Gifts of the Year

We went to Aunt Judy's and Uncle Terry's for a little Christmas party. Thanks to Judy and Terry for my first cowboy hat and guitar. Here I am singing the hot dog dance song from Mickey Mouse Club House.

We even made a gingerbread cookie with Grandma Jo.

Here I am sneaking a bite while decorating.

I was running around singing with my guitar and cowboy hat.

Here is me again trying to decorate and eat at the same time! We had a lot of fun decorating that cookie! I can't wait to see what Santa brings me on Friday!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Prayers Answered

Well, prayers were answered double time...

2 snow days and almost 3!

Since we were snowed in, Buddy and I just hung out at home. It was nice to have a few extra days off, but I actually did get bored. Just a reminder for me that I would NOT want to be at home full time. If I were home full time...

1) we would be broke because I am not working

2) we would be broke because I would get bored at home and want to go somewhere to shop or play

3) I might not appreciate my time with Buddy as much!

We are now on the countdown to Christmas break! 8 more school days!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Tree Farm Trip

In the sleet and snow on Sunday afternoon, we went to cut down our Christmas tree. This is the first year we have done this. Last year, we bought a tree at Wal-mart and it was practically dead by Christmas. So, we decided to cut one down so we know WHEN it was actually cut down. Our Wal-mart tree was probably cut down about 2 weeks before we got it last year!! Anyway, this is Buddy on the hay ride...

Here is Daddy and the tree guy helping us cut down our tree.

Here is Buddy checking out the lights. He absolutely loves Christmas lights this year!! Every where we go, he wants to see "lights, lights!"

Here she (he??) is all lit up. It sure is a fat thing!

Snow Day

Praying for a snow day! Snow days are the only thing I like about snow, cold, and winter. I'm hoping to have a nice, relaxing day off tomorrow. We shall see what happens!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Hope you have a great day, Daddy! Happy 27th!

Mommy and Buddy

Monday, November 30, 2009

Disney on Ice

As part of our busy holiday weekend, we went to Disney on Ice. Buddy loved it! Believe it or not, the skaters were really good. It wasn't cheesy like I thought it might be. There were multiple people coordinated together as one character and skating in sync (like Pumba from Lion King and a shark from Nemo). Simba was great and lifted Nala up several times. They were very talented skaters.

Can you pick out any of the characters? The genie from Aladdin is the one skating by in this pic.

Here is Buddy really zoned in on the show!

He was getting into the Disney music by clapping!

Mommy and Buddy with the ice and castle in the background.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Quiet Weekend

This weekend was fairly quiet. We didn't do a ton, but it was kind of nice.

We got together with Mommy's family for birthday dinner on Saturday. Mommy's brother and Mommy have birthdays that are 4 days apart, so we celebrated with pizza dinner this weekend. Also, Grandma and Daddy have birthdays in a few weeks so we celebrated those too! It was fun and the kids enjoyed playing. I was lazy and did not take pictures!

Also, we got our house cleaning done! Yahoo!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Mommy!

I thought this cartoon was cute! Happy birthday to me!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Here is the little farmer on Halloween. We went for the cheap and easy costume this year!

Buddy's cousin was a cowboy. What a great costume! He galloped all over the neighborhood!

Here is Buddy's other cousin, Alli cat. Meow!

Here I am, the jail bird. Notice the sheriff in the background. He's the one who arrested me...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Go Bears!

Our high school (the one I work at, not the school I went to) volleyball team is making their first appearance in the state tournament this weekend. I just wanted to say congrats and good luck (even though none of them know about my blog). This is the first time ever, in our school's history, that a volleyball team has won sub-state and went on to the state tournament. In addition, it has been since 1994 that our school has went to a state tournament in anything. Although I never played volleyball AT ALL or EVER, I did help coach some of these girls as 7th and 8th graders a few years back. Yes, I was the idiot new teacher who couldn't say no when asked, "Do you think you could coach middle school volleyball?"

For their efforts, all students got the day off today so they could travel to Hays to see them play. I, however, have to be at work today (since it is a contracted teacher day). But, thanks to the girls, I have a nice, quiet, peaceful workday.

Thank you ladies, and good luck! Go kick some butt!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pumpkin Carving

Buddy did not like the feel of the pumpkin "guts." Look at this sour face!

Here is the happy baby while we are carving the pumpkin. Nevermind that he has the pumpkin carving knives in his hand... Notice how the cat is trying to join in on the fun too!

After we got all of the "guts" out, Buddy wanted to look inside!

Here is our pumpkin all lit up. I pointed out all of the pumpkin parts (eyes, nose, mouth). Later that night, Buddy kept calling the pumpkin a "nose." He kept pointing to it and saying "nose." I think we have finally convinced him that it is a pumpkin not a nose. Everyday on the way home, he starts saying "pumpkin, pumpkin." Buddy loves it at night when we light it and look at it out on the deck.

Anybody ever thought about how weird the word "pumpkin" is? After typing it several times, I keep thinking that it doesn't look like it's spelled right.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hail to Thee

My cousin recently posted a link to some KU pics on her blog. I remembered I had taken these last week after my class. The sun was going down and shining on one side of the buildings while the other sides and trees were dark. So, the buildings were really standing out. Plus, the trees were just starting to change. LOVE LOVE LOVE KU's campus...

Monday, October 19, 2009

October Fun

We visited the pumpkin patch this weekend to pick out Buddy's first pumpkin. I'm not sure why we never got one last year?????

Of course, Buddy tried to carry the pumpkin and got frustrated when he couldn't. He is such a strong, stubborn little guy... I wonder where he gets that from...hmmmm...his dad?

Daddy and Buddy in the patch with thousands of pumpkins! Mommy was going to try to carve a Mickey Mouse into the pumpkin, but I think that might be too difficult.

Another fun thing we do in October is go to the Maple Leaf Festival. Here is Buddy watching the parade sporting his new hat (we bought from one of the booths at the festival). In the background are the shriners in their miniature cars!

Here is Buddy with his great aunt Sandy at the parade. It was chilly so we were all bundled up! Can you tell Sandy is from Arizona?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My new chair

Mommy, daddy, grandma g, and grandpa g left me with grandma miller and grandpa miller Saturday night. When they got back, mommy and daddy told me I got a new chair! They went to the Ducks Unlimited banquet and got me my first Green Wing (for us little DU members) toy. Daddy says DU helps restore and build wetlands for ducks. Thanks to grandma and grandpa for bidding on this chair and winning it for me! I really like it!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Buddy got into the laundry basket on Saturday. Of course, he found the undergarments and decided to put them on! Ha!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Hello from Wichita

I am in Wichita for a conference for my school. It's the first time I have been away from Buddy for more than a night. I won't be back home until Wednesday. Hard to leave him, but kind of nice at the same time. Am I evil for saying that? Of course, he started running a fever yesterday afternoon, and still has a fever tonight. So, Mr. Mom is taking care of him!! Ha! Daddy said he pulled up to the house tonight and asked Buddy where they were. He usually says, "Home." Daddy said all Buddy would say is, "mama, mama, mama." I think he thought I was inside!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Monkey Suit PJ's

We have been dying to get Buddy into these cute new jammies. It is finally cold enough at night for him to wear them. They are so cute on him, and he doesn't slide around like he does when he wears socks around the house!

If you can't tell, he is saying "cheese" here. I like the little monkey's on the pj's the best. Excuse the wild hair. Daddy had given him a bath and not combed his hair yet.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Am I seeing things????

Well, what can I say other than it was a monumental day at the Miller residence yesterday. Daddy showed mommy how mow and she took the reigns from there! Hopefully this wasn't "one-and-done". It may be after mommy see's that daddy knows how to post pictures on the blog now!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Buddy's 1st KU Football Game

I got to go to my first KU football game on Saturday. Grandpa and Mommy took me. I love football, and I tell Mommy to turn on football at home by saying, "fooball" and pointing to the TV. I have watched tons of old football games on TV, and I love it! Mommy says men are born with football genes. Here I am riding the shuttle bus to the game with Aunt Patti, Uncle Tom, and Grandpa. Not pictured are Aunt Maggie, Uncle David, and Mommy who took the picture. Oh, and there were some stinky Golden Eagle fans that rode our bus too!

Here is me and Aunt Patti with a mean birdie. I thought Jayhawks were nice. If they keep trying to brain wash me, I may turn out to like little kitties better.

Here we are waving the wheat. I couldn't ever figure out who we were waving at.

Here's Grandpa and I watching the game with the hill in the background. Man, was is it a fun day!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

Being Like Daddy...

Buddy seems to be copying everything that we do lately. It is quite cute. Every night after he eats, we clean the floor since food ends up everywhere. Last night, we got him out of his high chair, he went over and grabbed the towel that was hanging from stove handle, and went to work on cleaning the floor. Daddy wasn't even cleaning up yet, he just remembered that is what we always do. So, Daddy grabbed the rag and helped him.

I can't wait until he learns to vacuum!

Monday, September 14, 2009

The reverse

Here we are on the way home. Buddy slept for 2 and a half hours in the car!

Here is Buddy on one of the rides at the fair. He really liked it. The ferris wheel was a bit scary as he didn't want to sit still and wanted to look over the edge!

Here we are on the way to the Rolling Hills wildlife park and the state fair. We went to the park on Saturday and the state fair on Sunday. Buddy is watching Mamma Mia! in the car. He loves to dance in the car.

Here we are at the wildlife park feeding a giraffe (not sure if they wanted us to do this or not, but we picked up some grass and went for it). Daddy said, "I don't think I have ever been that close to a giraffe before!"