Monday, September 14, 2009

The reverse

Here we are on the way home. Buddy slept for 2 and a half hours in the car!

Here is Buddy on one of the rides at the fair. He really liked it. The ferris wheel was a bit scary as he didn't want to sit still and wanted to look over the edge!

Here we are on the way to the Rolling Hills wildlife park and the state fair. We went to the park on Saturday and the state fair on Sunday. Buddy is watching Mamma Mia! in the car. He loves to dance in the car.

Here we are at the wildlife park feeding a giraffe (not sure if they wanted us to do this or not, but we picked up some grass and went for it). Daddy said, "I don't think I have ever been that close to a giraffe before!"


  1. It looks like Hunter had a marvelous time!! It looks like he played hard...the little guy....

  2. How fun! I'm not sure if I'd WANT to be that close to a giraffe, either. Does Buddy do well watching TV in the car? OJ is just NOW starting to sit and pay attention to cartoons that TO has on. I'm THANKFUL. Usually I'm a "we don't need TV" at too young an age, but OJ needs a distraction to keep from trying to whine! :)

  3. Buddy does a better job in the car than he used to. He does like to watch movies! I think our trip to Colorado this summer made him a better car rider! I feel that the amount of TV isn't that big of a deal if you aren't letting them watch it 24/7, they don't weigh 3000 pounds from no exercise, and you monitor what they watch.

  4. I'm sure Hunter's active enough he'll do just fine!


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