Friday, September 18, 2009

Being Like Daddy...

Buddy seems to be copying everything that we do lately. It is quite cute. Every night after he eats, we clean the floor since food ends up everywhere. Last night, we got him out of his high chair, he went over and grabbed the towel that was hanging from stove handle, and went to work on cleaning the floor. Daddy wasn't even cleaning up yet, he just remembered that is what we always do. So, Daddy grabbed the rag and helped him.

I can't wait until he learns to vacuum!


  1. *laughing* "I can't wait until he learns to vacuum!" I AM DYING...that's hilarious. And how cute is he to help clean up? All OJ does is try and shut the fridge door every time I open it...regardless if I'm IN the fridge getting things out/putting things away. Oh, and he throws things away. Things that should be, things that shouldn't be. One day I'll be without my keys and the trashman will have them.

  2. Hunter the quicker picker up-er!!! That is cute. Most babies don't clean up their own messes! Go Hunter!

  3. Too funny! Send him over to Auntie Coco's house. I could use some help cleaning up after Damage and Jellybean. :) You should start teaching him to clean the toilets...that's where his real mess will be when he starts using the potty. Boys don't have very good aim in that department.


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