Monday, October 19, 2009

October Fun

We visited the pumpkin patch this weekend to pick out Buddy's first pumpkin. I'm not sure why we never got one last year?????

Of course, Buddy tried to carry the pumpkin and got frustrated when he couldn't. He is such a strong, stubborn little guy... I wonder where he gets that from...hmmmm...his dad?

Daddy and Buddy in the patch with thousands of pumpkins! Mommy was going to try to carve a Mickey Mouse into the pumpkin, but I think that might be too difficult.

Another fun thing we do in October is go to the Maple Leaf Festival. Here is Buddy watching the parade sporting his new hat (we bought from one of the booths at the festival). In the background are the shriners in their miniature cars!

Here is Buddy with his great aunt Sandy at the parade. It was chilly so we were all bundled up! Can you tell Sandy is from Arizona?

1 comment:

  1. I was JUST looking to see if you'd updated about "the Leaf" and here you did. :) I need to upload my photos too and post something. I'm so lazy!

    Good pick on the pumpkin - it looks like a very nice surface for carving...whatever you choose to try.


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