Tuesday, February 24, 2009

First Ear Infection

Buddy has gone a whole year without one, but he currently has an ear infection. The doctor said he was surprised this was the first one as many kids get several before they turn one. It doesn't even really seem to bother him. He tugs at his ear now and again, but that is it. He has a little congestion too, but the doctor said he is on the downward slope with that. We have to go back in a week or so to re-check his ears. I'm hoping this is the last of our illness for this cold/flu season! Although Buddy hasn't been sick that much (2 or 3 colds), his buddies at daycare have been sick a ton!


  1. I tried commenting from work today but the word verification wasn't popping up for me.

    What I WANTED to say was this:
    "That's what mommy "juice" will do for a baby! Good work Mommy!"

  2. Okay, I cracked up at your bird story. It wasn't funny, and I would be really sad if it wasn't so funny. LOL I wanted you to know. :) (I turned back to check on a squirrel I knocked out once, as well. Always a bad decision.)


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