Monday, February 16, 2009

Let Him Eat Cake

So, the birthday party came and went. He ate some of the cake, but mostly the frosting. I guess he takes after his mom there too. I could just eat the frosting...

Buddy and his farm cake. It was a Little People cake with a farmer, horse, and pig.

This is the before picture. He was on his first bite. We decided not to take his clothes off to eat the cake...

Here he is after a few bites. The green frosting made him look like an army man.

Here is the after picture. It turns out his clothes didn't even really get dirty. He didn't really "dive" in like we thought. In fact, we put trash bags under his high chair, and he didn't get any on the floor. What a nice, proper, clean little boy! Ha! If he is like his daddy, this phase won't last long...


  1. That after picture is wonderful. He did a really nice job coating his face around his mouth. :) And he was just so calm and peaceful...enjoying his cake and day. And the bib, by the way...loved it.

  2. Yes, I inspired the bib. I really can't stand peas. Buddy does like them though. I hope I can keep it that way. His cousin does not like green veggies!


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