Thursday, February 12, 2009

Almost party time...

Well, it's almost time for Buddy's birthday party. This Sunday, he will have his first bite of birthday cake! If he is anything like his mommy, he will love every bit of it and cry when we take it away (I'm not letting him eat the whole mini cake!). Let's just hope we don't get as much snow tomorrow as they originally thought (4-8 inches). I think they are just calling for a couple of inches now, and it will probably melt fast as we have had 60-70 degree days lately. That's Kansas for you. Tuesday it was in the upper 60's, and then it snowed on Wednesday. WTF?? By the way, Buddy took about 4 steps in the kitchen yesterday! Walking should be just around the corner.


  1. Grandma G already told him he could have the whole mini cake. And she has to change him for the next 24 hours so you shouldn't care.

  2. If WTF stands for what I'm sure it does, I don't think it is appropriate language for your blog. Also, if Buddy wants to eat the whole mini cake, he will eat the whole mini cake. It's his birthday for crying out loud!!!!!

  3. Hey, I abbreviated so it isn't bad language. Anyway, as long as Buddy goes home with Grandma and Grandpa after the party, I don't mind if he eats the whole cake. He can have diarrhea, a stomach ache, be wound up, and stay up all night and I won't care!!

  4. LOL Getting reprimanded on your own blog for tossing out a few words that Grandma and Grandpa have TAUGHT you how to use! Love it! :) I don't think you're allowed in the family unless you toss out the F bomb now and again. We are excited for the party - see you Sunday!

  5. If Hunter is anything like Drew, half of the cake will be on his body and the floor anyway. Have a splat mat ready and strip him to his diaper and then just throw him in the bathtub. He'll LOVE it! Looking forward to celebrating!!!


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