Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Well, we found out that Buddy has RSV. I was a little freaked out at first, but then I read about it on the Internet. It turns out that most kids get it before they are 2 years old. It is basically a bad cold. Some kids at daycare have been sick, so I'm sure that is where he got it from.

The funny thing is, we went to the dr. last Thursday to re-check his ears. The dr. said he sounded good and his ears were cleared up. Now, his ear infection is back too. So, he is on some antibiotics and breathing treatments for his RSV. Bummer :-( Luckily, I have spring break next week, so hopefully he will be feeling better when I go back to work!

1 comment:

  1. Poor guy. :( RSV is very common, from what I understand. OJ had a cough for months and one doctor we saw for his 9mo visit was like "ohhhhh, he probably had a touch of RSV"....blah blah blah. All nonchalant and stuff. That doctor was NOT my favorite. Once this cold weather sweeps out for good, Buddy will be back up and running! (hopefully literally, right?)


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