Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday Thoughts

I stole this idea from my cousin who posts Monday Mumbles. Here are my random thoughts on this fine Monday.

1. Spring Break- Could it get here already? My students and I need a break from each other.

2. Random Rash- Buddy has bumps all over his body. The doctor says it is from his 1 year shots. I guess I should be happy, they don't bother him a bit. I just miss his clear skin!

3. March Madness- I'm so excited for the upcoming NCAA tournament. After last year, I don't think this year could be as great unless we win another National Title!

4. The Weather- What happened to 70 degree days? I think it is supposed to be chilly the rest of the week. Bummer...

5. College Class- No class tonight, but we have to work on our group project. I could just use a night off, but I guess we don't have class next week.

6. TV Tonight- Really, is there anything good on? Granted, I won't get home from class (group meeting) until 7:30. Maybe I will just go to bed...

7. Daylight Savings Time- I'm not going to complain, although I don't like the change. Buddy is having a little trouble with it. How is a little guy supposed to adjust his schedule by an hour? Ha ha, he is actually switching over better than I am. Sorry, I know I said I wasn't going to complain.

8. Ice Cream Cake- I finally got Buddy's free cake picked up. Yummy. I guess that is what I will do tonight instead of watch TV, eat the entire cake myself!!!

9. KU Big 12 Game- KU plays on Thursday at 11:30am. How am I supposed to watch that and teach at the same time? Why can't the No. 1 seed play in the evening? It's only fair...

10. Did I mention Spring Break already?


  1. So many thoughts going on in the head on Mondays, it's only proper to get them all out, huh? :) I think eating the cake tonight is an excellent plan. I'm sure there are some conference basketball games on...somewhere. Or you could buy a video of the championship game and watch it to get ready for Thursday! :)

  2. I hope Buddy gets some of the cake he won! We had a good day on Monday. Even Gigi had fun with little buddy. She loves to feed him but yesterday he liked to slap the food out of her hand because he wasn't too hungry. But he had good naps!

  3. Yay for good naps! He slept really good last night and seemed to be in a better mood this morning. If we could just get rid of his cold. I am tired of having colds!

  4. Hope he gets over it soon! That stuff is everyhwere! I'm curious to know who Tooj is. A friend? I must know who this mystery Tooj is! :) I'm pretty sure I know who Grandma G is!! -Uncle Matt

  5. Ha! Tooj is my cousin on my dad's side! That's funny!! Mysterious Tooj, she will like that title!


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