Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Granny!

March 24th was my Granny's birthday. She is a wonderful lady who is still going strong at 88 years old. We celebrated at her house. My uncle Jeff came into town to surprise her from Texas, although I didn't snap any pictures of him. He will be here for 10 days, so I will try to post a picture of him later on...

This is Mommy's brother smiling at his little girl (Mommy's niece). She was giggling at her daddy! Granny is in the back ground.

This is Buddy and his Uncle.

This is Buddy and his Uncle having a stare down.

This is my Granny and Buddy's Great-Granny.

Here is Buddy, his cousin, his Auntie Coco, and his Grandpa. The kids had fun playing at Granny's.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Ha! Funny story....

Buddy always gets into the box of dominoes at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Grandpa thought he would be smart and put rubber bands around the box to keep Buddy out of it. Ha, like that would stop him. I even asked, "Do you think that is going to keep him out of those?! ha ha!" Grandpa said, "Oh yeah, he won't be able to get into them now." Looks like Buddy won, Grandpa!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Break Fun!

Buddy and I have had fun spending time together over Spring Break. He is over his RSV and feeling much better. Here are a few highlights...

Buddy and his cousin at the Lawrence St. Patrick's Day parade. It was in the 70's, one of the hottest St. Pat's Day's ever in Kansas.

Here is Buddy watching everything as it went by.

Buddy is in Grandma's new double stroller. It worked great for both of the boys.
Here is Buddy at Wal-Mart wearing a set of bunny ears. Shh, don't tell Wal-Mart, we didn't buy these ears. We just used them for a photo op.

What a cute little bunny rabbit. Buddy is definitely ready for the next holiday!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dressin' Like Grandpa

I got home from work and this is how Daddy had Buddy dressed. Daddy took Buddy to the doctor yesterday and then stayed home with him to take care of his RSV. He was wearing his nice dress shirt with blue sweatpants that are way too short because Daddy thought the dressier pants were too long.

Buddy's grandpa often sports this same attire. He comes home from going out to eat (wearing a nice shirt and pants) and changes into sweats but often doesn't change his shirt. Since he is a grandpa, his sweats are too short most of the time for today's baggy, loose fitting style.

Notice the long socks with the high water sweats, definitely grandpa style.

Just a cute picture of Buddy playing his piano.

Again, pants way too short! The only thing he needs to be more like grandpa is some sandals on with his socks. We love you grandpa!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Well, we found out that Buddy has RSV. I was a little freaked out at first, but then I read about it on the Internet. It turns out that most kids get it before they are 2 years old. It is basically a bad cold. Some kids at daycare have been sick, so I'm sure that is where he got it from.

The funny thing is, we went to the dr. last Thursday to re-check his ears. The dr. said he sounded good and his ears were cleared up. Now, his ear infection is back too. So, he is on some antibiotics and breathing treatments for his RSV. Bummer :-( Luckily, I have spring break next week, so hopefully he will be feeling better when I go back to work!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday Thoughts

I stole this idea from my cousin who posts Monday Mumbles. Here are my random thoughts on this fine Monday.

1. Spring Break- Could it get here already? My students and I need a break from each other.

2. Random Rash- Buddy has bumps all over his body. The doctor says it is from his 1 year shots. I guess I should be happy, they don't bother him a bit. I just miss his clear skin!

3. March Madness- I'm so excited for the upcoming NCAA tournament. After last year, I don't think this year could be as great unless we win another National Title!

4. The Weather- What happened to 70 degree days? I think it is supposed to be chilly the rest of the week. Bummer...

5. College Class- No class tonight, but we have to work on our group project. I could just use a night off, but I guess we don't have class next week.

6. TV Tonight- Really, is there anything good on? Granted, I won't get home from class (group meeting) until 7:30. Maybe I will just go to bed...

7. Daylight Savings Time- I'm not going to complain, although I don't like the change. Buddy is having a little trouble with it. How is a little guy supposed to adjust his schedule by an hour? Ha ha, he is actually switching over better than I am. Sorry, I know I said I wasn't going to complain.

8. Ice Cream Cake- I finally got Buddy's free cake picked up. Yummy. I guess that is what I will do tonight instead of watch TV, eat the entire cake myself!!!

9. KU Big 12 Game- KU plays on Thursday at 11:30am. How am I supposed to watch that and teach at the same time? Why can't the No. 1 seed play in the evening? It's only fair...

10. Did I mention Spring Break already?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Taste of Mud

It was so nice on Wednesday! We went to the park to enjoy the 60 degree weather. Today, it is supposed to be 80 here in Kansas. That is unheard of for early March. Too bad the Jayhawks weren't hot last night on the court :-(

Here he is, happy to be pounding on this big rock at the park.
See the clump of mud on his hand. This is what ended up in his mouth about 5 seconds after this picture. It tasted so bad that he gagged! Then, he tried to get the mud out by sticking his muddy hand back in his mouth. That is when he started crying, the big baby! He had mud all over his face and hands!!
Here he is, happy again after I got him cleaned up from the mud!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Just Wait 15 Minutes...

This weekend, we spent time at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Mommy got to go shopping using some gift cards we got for Buddy's birthday. He got lots of new toys. We got him a swing for outside, a Little People farm set, and some new clothes including a swim suit and sandals. Can you tell we are ready for the warm weather? I can't believe we have snow on the ground and it will be in the 70's later this week. In Kansas, if you don't like the weather, just wait 15 minutes...