Tuesday, February 24, 2009

First Ear Infection

Buddy has gone a whole year without one, but he currently has an ear infection. The doctor said he was surprised this was the first one as many kids get several before they turn one. It doesn't even really seem to bother him. He tugs at his ear now and again, but that is it. He has a little congestion too, but the doctor said he is on the downward slope with that. We have to go back in a week or so to re-check his ears. I'm hoping this is the last of our illness for this cold/flu season! Although Buddy hasn't been sick that much (2 or 3 colds), his buddies at daycare have been sick a ton!

Monday, February 23, 2009

First KU Game

Here is Buddy and his cousin TO on Saturday night after the men's game. They had so much fun playing together!

Although the men played Saturday, we did not take Buddy to that game. We took him to the KU women's game on Sunday. It was Breast Cancer Awareness day and everyone was wearing pink. They also gave out pink lunch bags and t-shirts!

Here is Buddy in his KU gear!

Buddy and mommy at the game!

Here is Buddy with Big Jay. He wasn't too sure about that big bird!

By this point, Buddy is very tired. He had a little fever and cough, so he was annoyed with Baby Jay. He is pushing his beak away in this picture!

Friday, February 20, 2009

DQ Birthday Winner!

Buddy wins a Dairy Queen Birthday cake! I entered Buddy into 2 TV stations birthday cake drawings. He won this morning on one of them! I was so excited! I'm a bit selfish, as I am the one who loves the DQ cakes! Mmm, I can already taste that cookie filling they put in those yummy cakes! I plan to eat most of it myself! Ha! I will share a little with Buddy and daddy too!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!

Our precious little boy is now 1 year old! It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home!

He has learned a word: "bite". Well, his version sounds like "ba", but he says it when he is ready for another bite. Who would have thought? Little Mangino's first word would be "bite".

Monday, February 16, 2009

Let Him Eat Cake

So, the birthday party came and went. He ate some of the cake, but mostly the frosting. I guess he takes after his mom there too. I could just eat the frosting...

Buddy and his farm cake. It was a Little People cake with a farmer, horse, and pig.

This is the before picture. He was on his first bite. We decided not to take his clothes off to eat the cake...

Here he is after a few bites. The green frosting made him look like an army man.

Here is the after picture. It turns out his clothes didn't even really get dirty. He didn't really "dive" in like we thought. In fact, we put trash bags under his high chair, and he didn't get any on the floor. What a nice, proper, clean little boy! Ha! If he is like his daddy, this phase won't last long...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Almost party time...

Well, it's almost time for Buddy's birthday party. This Sunday, he will have his first bite of birthday cake! If he is anything like his mommy, he will love every bit of it and cry when we take it away (I'm not letting him eat the whole mini cake!). Let's just hope we don't get as much snow tomorrow as they originally thought (4-8 inches). I think they are just calling for a couple of inches now, and it will probably melt fast as we have had 60-70 degree days lately. That's Kansas for you. Tuesday it was in the upper 60's, and then it snowed on Wednesday. WTF?? By the way, Buddy took about 4 steps in the kitchen yesterday! Walking should be just around the corner.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Go Jayhawks!

Daddy and I went to the KU game this weekend. Before we left, I took some pictures of Buddy with the Jayhawk! By the way, KU beat OSU!!

"Ow, this Jayhawk bites!"
"He has a really big nose...I mean beak!"
"I love my Jayhawk!"
This is Buddy learning to walk. He takes steps away from the couch and lands in my lap. He is falling in this picture!
Here is Buddy with his 'cheese' face! Who needs professional photographers?!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Please Comment

Now, I know my cousin has done her fair share of commenting. The rest of you need to comment too! It makes blogging more fun!!

Anyway, things are quiet in our house this week. Daddy is going hunting today and out of town tomorrow, and I am trying to keep up my exercise routine. I may have to do it after Buddy goes to bed at night! For those of you who are wondering, I have been running on the treadmill, doing Tae-Bo/Gilad, and working out with my new BOSU ball. If you don't know what that is, you may have to do a little research on it on the internet... It seems that if you vary things up a bit, you are more likely to stick with your workout routine! I'm hoping to make it outside to run the next few days as it will be in the 60's!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Sugar Lake Snow Geese

Grandma and Buddy with the snow geese!

All of us with the geese!

Buddy's first ride on the swings. I think it put him to sleep almost!

There were thousands of snow geese at the lake we visited on Saturday! The weather was so nice, over 60 degrees (unheard of for January around here!).