Monday, August 3, 2009

Our far

We have been enjoying beautiful Colorado! Buddy has gotten to ride bumper boats, feed chipmunks, visit the Denver zoo, and meet family members!

We rode this CRAZY aerial tram thing in Estes Park. We rode in these little red tram cars all the way to the top, SCARY! Here is us at the top with the mountains in the background.

Also at the top, we got to feed chipmunks. You can buy peanuts by the bagful, and everyone feeds them. They are so tame, they will eat out of your hand, as you see here!

Here are Mommy and Buddy at the Denver zoo. We saw lots of neat animals and watched a wildlife show!

We drove to the top of Mt. Evans and saw some wild goats. These weren't as tame as the chipmunks! Check out the mountains in the back of the picture!

Here is our Rocky Mountain refrigerator. Too bad these new sippy cups didn't last. We had to revert to the old ones. Buddy went for 24 hours without a wet diaper, and Mommy and Daddy got nervous. He just doesn't like to drink out of these!

Another picture of us at the top of Mt. Evans. As for the rest of our trip, we plan on going to Rocky Mountain National Park, downtown Estes Park, and back to Daddy's great aunt/uncles before we head home!


  1. Tell Buddy his mom needs grammar check on her blog. Just kidding. Looks like you are having fun, can't wait to see you when you get back. The fact that you bought taffy has nothing to do with that.

  2. In that one pic of Jason, it looks like he could take just ONE step backward and fall off into oblivion. LOL Scary! The chipmunks would be my highlight. Definitely.


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