Friday, July 17, 2009

Crop Dusting

No, I'm not talking about when you fart and drag it around the room. I'm talking about real crop dusting that took place right by our house the last 2 days!

Here is the plane dusting the corn in our field. We have a farmer who rents our land and arranged this crop dusting. We had not idea it was coming, we just heard the plane outside and went to see what was going on!

Here is Buddy watching the plane. You can barely see the plane above the trees on the right side of the picture. It was great entertainment!

Here he is flying right above us. The gutter you see on the top left is on our house. I think Daddy could have hit the plane with a baseball; it was that close!!

Here is the freaky picture. It looks like we are getting bombed!! Ha ha!


  1. THat is so cool. I like the last photo....the clouds are in an interesting formation with the plane in the foreground!

  2. Well this certainly makes for an interesting summer day! I bet Buddy loved it, huh? And I had no idea that dragging your fart around the room was called crop dusting. I will be using that term on a couple of males in my house very soon. :) Happy Friday to you and the fam.

  3. I bet Hunter was in awe!!!


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