Thursday, July 30, 2009

Colorado, here we come!

Finally a vacation! It has been over a year since we have had a real vacation! We are going to Colorado to stay with Daddy's great uncle and aunt. We plan on going to the zoo, pool, and visiting Estes Park! We rented a cabin in Estes Park for a few nights, and boy are we excited?! We are hoping to make it all the way to Colorado in one day, but we will see how Buddy copes with the drive. He will have several movies to watch! I'm hoping to update the blog while we are gone, since I am taking my computer! We'll see!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

Buddy's cousin had her first birthday!! Here she is, all smiles!

Buddy's cousin on the horse at the petting zoo we went to for the birthday party!

Here is Buddy and a bunch of kids from the birthday party ringing the cow bells!

Daddy and Buddy on the slide at the petting zoo. They had to duck so Daddy didn't hit his head!

Here is Buddy and his cousin. She really had fun with the cake. Buddy wouldn't even take a bite of his cupcake, so Mommy ate it!! He doesn't know what he is missing!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Crop Dusting

No, I'm not talking about when you fart and drag it around the room. I'm talking about real crop dusting that took place right by our house the last 2 days!

Here is the plane dusting the corn in our field. We have a farmer who rents our land and arranged this crop dusting. We had not idea it was coming, we just heard the plane outside and went to see what was going on!

Here is Buddy watching the plane. You can barely see the plane above the trees on the right side of the picture. It was great entertainment!

Here he is flying right above us. The gutter you see on the top left is on our house. I think Daddy could have hit the plane with a baseball; it was that close!!

Here is the freaky picture. It looks like we are getting bombed!! Ha ha!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Basketball Mecca

As I was walking to class today, I looked up through the trees and saw the words "Allen Field House." I realized that I am a lucky person. How many people can say they get to go to class across the street from Allen Field House everyday? What an impressive place: Allen Field House. Think about all of the people who have played there: Wilt Chamberlin, Jacque Vaughn, Mario Chalmers, just to name a few...

Then, I think about the dodo birds in my class. These athletes (some soccer, women's basketball, football, men's basketball, etc.) sooooo fit the athlete stereotype. Okay, maybe just a few of them. The first day of class these clowns (mainly football players) show up with no pen or paper. I mean, come on, I am paying for you to go to school, the least you could do is go buy some supplies. Also, one particular men's basketball player (I won't name names) shows up late to class almost everyday. One guy came to class on the second day because he didn't know class started the day before. Another guy told him that he is 18 years old, needs to take responsibility for himself, and shouldn't have to be told when to go to class (one of their advisors called him to tell him to go to class!!). I was glad the guy gave him this lecture although I'm sure it won't help. Do these people ever grow up or do we just continue to pay for their stupidity forever???!!!

Anyway, you are probably wondering why I am in class with these undergrad clowns. Well, I decided to take an HSES (Health, Sport, and Exercise Science) class for an elective and it is undergrad and grad mixed. Of course, all of the athletes are HSES majors because it is easy is all they know how to do. I enjoy the content of the class (sports psychology), so I guess I will put up with the dodo birds.