Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Winter fun!

Mommy and Buddy got 4 snow days in a 2 week time frame!  We got to spend some quality time together and with the twins.  We watched LOTS of movies!  Buddy even went out to sled a bit on one of the non-windy days.  Last time it snowed, he wanted to go out and the wind was blowing like crazy.  He only lasted 2 minutes.  So, he always asks if it is windy before he goes out in the snow.  If it is, he refuses to go out and play!

Here he is sledding down the hill!  It was very nice having time off in February, the absolute HARDEST month of the school year.  It is cold, kids are sick, spring break is too far away, summer break is still a LONG way away, Christmas break was a long time ago, etc, etc, etc

We made a visit to see Granny last week.  We hadn't seen her since Christmas, so we decided we were due for a visit!  She seems to be doing well in her new place.  I am VERY thankful we got 1 nice picture of her with all of the kids!

Spring break is the week after next... we are getting excited!  Mom and dad are going to VEGAS!!!

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