Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Twins' First Birthday Party

We had a party for the 4 babies that were born last November on Mommy's side of the family. It was a bowling party (to entertain all of the little kids, not the babies!), and we all had so much fun!

The yummy cupcakes my cousin made!  Mommy especially loved the chocolate ones!

Little bro in his cool bowling shirt my aunt found!

A beautiful pic of sissy that my cousin took.  She takes great pictures with her fancy camera!  Notice her cute bowling shirt too!

I thought this was a sweet pic of the twins!

Here are the four babies getting ready for cupcakes.  Mommy and her cousin made the girls' tutus.  They turned out great and only cost $5!

Here is a pic of the bunches of cousins!  Mommy's side of the family just keeps multiplying!

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