Monday, November 26, 2012


We had a great Thanksgiving!  I didn't take a ton of pictures, but here is a recap...

We went to Daddy's aunts house for Thanksgiving lunch.  It was yummy as usual.  It also happened to be cousin Logan's 21st birthday, so we had a little birthday party too!  Buddy hardly spent any time inside because he was running around with Barrett, Harper, and Megan outside.  We also got news that cousin Chelsey is expecting another baby!

Later in the day, we headed to Grandma and Grandpa's (on Mommy's side).  It was fun to get together with everyone and play with all of the cousins!

We were excited that Granny was well and could come for a bit.  She hadn't seen the babies in a while.

Here are 3 of the 4 babies playing in the toy box!  We missed Liam this time, but we hope he will be around for Christmas!  Buddy was so busy playing with all of his cousins that I wasn't able to catch any pics of him!

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