Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hospital Visit

The twins have a bit of a cold, so we took them in to see the doctor this morning. They decided that little bro was sick enough to keep at the hospital overnight. They have run several tests (RSV, chest x-ray, etc.), and everything looks great and no RSV. They just wanted to be sure his chest congestion wasn't anything serious like pneumonia. They are just going to monitor him overnight and give him breathing treatments. We should be going home in the morning.

Uncle Matt says it looks like he is in jail in his little hospital bed!

Sissy has some congestion too, but her lungs sound better than little bro's. She is on some breathing treatments at home. Here she is hanging out at the hospital today. Mommy is staying with brother while sissy goes home with Daddy tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! I really dislike colds like this that put us into extra worry mode. Uncle Matt is right-tell bro that cousins Turner and Owen have both been jailed. They let you out eventually!


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