Saturday, February 25, 2012

Go Hawks!

We saw Thomas Robinson at the KU women's game last night. We wished him good luck for today's big game. Let's hope KU beats MU in their final match-up!

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Big 4!

I think the party was a success. The kids seemed to have fun. The weather was sorta nice (for February anyway), so they got to run around outside!

Pinata time at the party!

Blowing out those candles on the pheasant cake!

One of the party favors... funny glasses with noses attached!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

3 Months!

Happy 3 month birthday to sis and little bro! Mommy went back to work on Thursday, so she has been missing the babies the last 2 days! I know it is best for our family, so that makes it a bit easier! In a few months, I get another long break... yay!

Since we will be busy with festivities tomorrow... Happy 4th Birthday to Buddy! He gets his first party celebration tonight with his Uncle Matt, who is taking him out to McDonald's (or Old McDonald's as he calls it because of Old McDonald Had a Farm) and then to get ice cream.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Skates & Trucks

We had a fun weekend!

Mommy had the idea to take the kids roller skating on Saturday. We went with Drew, Alli, Uncle Matt, Auntie Coco, Grandma, and Grandpa. The babies slept in their stroller, and Grandpa was in charge of them. He threatened to never watch them again because they were such a pain (they slept the whole time!)! Grandma even skated with us! She used to skate once a week back in high school! This cool "skate mate" helped the kids get the hang of it!

On Sunday, we joined Uncle Matt and Drew for Monster Jam! It was so cool! Here is Grave Digger, one of our favorites!

This was the truck I picked, Monster Mutt. I just love his tail and ears! His idle is even like a dog growl!

Buddy was very tired on the way home from the truck show! Thanks Uncle Matt for inviting us to join you and for taking Buddy to the pit party before the show! Up next weekend, Buddy's birthday!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

New Pictures

We took the kids to get some pictures.

Here is the big 4 year old (almost)!! It is hard to believe he is almost 4.

Here is a great pic of the twins (sis is front, little bro in back)! Stay tuned this week for a post about our weekend fun!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Diaper Shower

Some lovely ladies at my school threw a diaper shower for us!

The food... How cute are these cupcakes? Our school secretary is sooo creative!

The fun... Everyone was invited to make cute onesies with stamps and paint! You are probably wondering why one says "Carl"... One of my teacher friends lovingly called the twins "Carl" and "Carla" while I was pregnant. So, we have a onesie for each of them with their nicknames! In honor of Buddy, another teacher friend made onesies that say "I love my big brother" and "I love my big brothers."

The gifts... Here is all the loot! I tallied up a total of 1186 diapers!! One teacher commented that now we can spend some money buying the fun stuff!

Here are the babies this morning. They woke up and it wasn't time to eat yet, so I brought them to bed with me for a half hour!! The cat is tolerating them quite well, since she usually doesn't have to share the bed with anyone but me!! She blends in, so you might not even see her at first glance...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hospital Visit

The twins have a bit of a cold, so we took them in to see the doctor this morning. They decided that little bro was sick enough to keep at the hospital overnight. They have run several tests (RSV, chest x-ray, etc.), and everything looks great and no RSV. They just wanted to be sure his chest congestion wasn't anything serious like pneumonia. They are just going to monitor him overnight and give him breathing treatments. We should be going home in the morning.

Uncle Matt says it looks like he is in jail in his little hospital bed!

Sissy has some congestion too, but her lungs sound better than little bro's. She is on some breathing treatments at home. Here she is hanging out at the hospital today. Mommy is staying with brother while sissy goes home with Daddy tonight!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Monster Buck Classic

We took Buddy to the Monster Buck Classic in Topeka last weekend. It is a collection of booths all related to deer hunting. Daddy doesn't really deer hunt anymore, but it was still fun to see all the hunting stuff. Grandma and Grandpa Blackie Sue (Daddy's parents, that's what Buddy calls them because of their horse) watched the twins for us.

We saw the rattlesnake guy. He was crazy. Usually those snake handlers hold them so there is no way the snake could get turned around to bite them. This guy wasn't worried at all! This snake is looking at me like I could be lunch!

Uncle Mike (Daddy's uncle) got Buddy this hat before he was born (it says Big Buck Hunter)! He found it at a gas station, and Buddy wears it all the time. It was definitely appropriate for this event!

Our favorite weather man, Drew Switzer, was there. We made a point to find him because Buddy likes watching him on tv. He was at a t-shirt booth and was having a contest to win a free shirt. He was asking what state the shirt company was from. Thanks to a lady at another booth (who knew where they were from), we won this shirt for Buddy. It says "I'm not scared of monsters!" in reference to monster bucks!

Buddy also got a chance to shoot ducks on a video game and shoot a target with an air rifle. It was a fun evening and reminded us of life before the twins came along!