Monday, December 28, 2009

The Joy of Christmas

Look at these two cuties under Grandma's tree. Better yet, look at all of those presents. As Grandpa and I said, "ridiculous, just ridiculous." Next year we are giving more to charity!

Here's the fam.

Buddy and his cousin on the plasma car. The plasma car was a gift for Buddy's cousins, and it sure was a hit!

Grandma with her new Wii boxing gloves. Can't wait to see her knock someone out! More Christmas pics to come.

Monday, December 21, 2009

First Christmas Gifts of the Year

We went to Aunt Judy's and Uncle Terry's for a little Christmas party. Thanks to Judy and Terry for my first cowboy hat and guitar. Here I am singing the hot dog dance song from Mickey Mouse Club House.

We even made a gingerbread cookie with Grandma Jo.

Here I am sneaking a bite while decorating.

I was running around singing with my guitar and cowboy hat.

Here is me again trying to decorate and eat at the same time! We had a lot of fun decorating that cookie! I can't wait to see what Santa brings me on Friday!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Prayers Answered

Well, prayers were answered double time...

2 snow days and almost 3!

Since we were snowed in, Buddy and I just hung out at home. It was nice to have a few extra days off, but I actually did get bored. Just a reminder for me that I would NOT want to be at home full time. If I were home full time...

1) we would be broke because I am not working

2) we would be broke because I would get bored at home and want to go somewhere to shop or play

3) I might not appreciate my time with Buddy as much!

We are now on the countdown to Christmas break! 8 more school days!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Tree Farm Trip

In the sleet and snow on Sunday afternoon, we went to cut down our Christmas tree. This is the first year we have done this. Last year, we bought a tree at Wal-mart and it was practically dead by Christmas. So, we decided to cut one down so we know WHEN it was actually cut down. Our Wal-mart tree was probably cut down about 2 weeks before we got it last year!! Anyway, this is Buddy on the hay ride...

Here is Daddy and the tree guy helping us cut down our tree.

Here is Buddy checking out the lights. He absolutely loves Christmas lights this year!! Every where we go, he wants to see "lights, lights!"

Here she (he??) is all lit up. It sure is a fat thing!

Snow Day

Praying for a snow day! Snow days are the only thing I like about snow, cold, and winter. I'm hoping to have a nice, relaxing day off tomorrow. We shall see what happens!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Hope you have a great day, Daddy! Happy 27th!

Mommy and Buddy