Thursday, May 15, 2014


Wow, is it really May?  Is school really out next Friday?  Time is flying by.  Here are some recent happenings:

  •  Trip to Deanna Rose.
  • Playing outside.  Little bro never gets off of his John Deere!
  • We took Buddy skiing in Colorado, and he LOVED it! 
  •  Turkey hunting!
  • We had Easter at our house again this year.  The weather was nice and the kids had a great time as usual.  I think my camera got switched to a weird mode before I took this pic!
  • We dyed Easter eggs.
  • We went to the annual PTO carnival.
  • My tulips bloomed.  Even Buddy enjoyed going out every morning to check which ones opened up! 
  • Sissy is finally potty trained, except for at night time!  We plan to work on Little Bro this summer. 
  • Prepping for Disney World!  We got our Magic Bands!!

  • We lost our Granny in April.  We were sad, but she is happy and in a better place.
  • Baseball practice started, and we have our first game this Friday!  Yay!

I will probably overload this blog with Disney photos next!  Woohoo!

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