Monday, June 4, 2012


We went to the Tbones game over the weekend with Dad's work people.  They rent out the picnic area, and it is great for the kids.  They can wander around and not be stuck in their seat!  It is also all-you-can-eat food and drinks!!  We love that part!

Check out how close we were to the field.  You really have to keep an eye out for foul balls!  Buddy collected a few: one from a player and another from an umpire.

The twins have mastered sitting up this week.  The do topple over from time to time, and they try to steal each others toys.  It is so funny to watch.  At last weeks check-up, Sissy was 15 lbs, 1 oz and Bro was 17 lbs, 10 oz.  Yes, he is nearly 3 pounds heavier, and you can definitely tell when you pick them up!  He is also 2 inches longer than her.

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