Tuesday, November 29, 2011


The babies continue to make progress. They are both doing pretty well with nursing and bottle feeding. It is only a matter of a few days before they get to come home, as long as they continue to cooperate. We are thinking maybe by Thursday or Friday.

Finally, here is a picture of sissy with her eyes open!

Here is little bro looking exactly like his big brother when he was a baby!!! We have compared pictures, and we are going to have trouble figuring out who is who in their baby pictures! I like the little wrinkles you can see in his forehead here!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Mr. C and Ms. K

Mr. C
November 17, 2011
5 lbs., 4 oz.
18" long

Ms. K
November 17, 2011
5 lbs.
19" long

Both babies are doing great. He is in a crib now with only monitors hooked up. There are no IV's, oxygen, etc. She still has a little oxygen and a little bit of fluids on an IV. They are done with the billi lights for jaundice. They have one more day of antibiotics. She should be off of oxygen tomorrow. We are getting ready for bottle/nipple feedings, which is our last hurdle! We are hoping to take them home sometime next week.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Baby Pictures

Baby Boy is doing great and does not require oxygen at all.

Baby Girl does have a CPAP for oxygen, but she will hopefully go off of that in the next few days.

Friday, November 18, 2011

They are here!

The babies arrived Thursday night, November 17. I was very dilated when I went to my appointment, so they decided to keep me and deliver the babies. They are both doing well, although they need some oxygen. Due to the volume of babies at our hospital, they did have to take them to a bigger hospital. I should be released Saturday morning, so I can go be with them.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

34 Weeks

We made it to the big milestone of 34 weeks! There was no change at the last appointment, so we are just in "wait and see" mode. I could last 4 more weeks or I could have these babies tomorrow.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

How We Roll

Thanks to Daddy's work friends, we got this great double car seat stroller! It is going to be so handy when they are little. Buddy really enjoyed pushing it around last night in the house. Also, they got us a jumperoo! We never had one for Buddy (we just had an exersaucer), so we can't wait until the babies get old enough to try it out!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Birthday & Update

I have reached the age that I will remain for the rest of my life... 29! From here on out, I will always turn 29 on my birthday!

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. Things still look pretty good. My blood pressure is a little higher than it has been, but it is not considered high. We just want to get to the 34 week mark next Saturday!! That will allow me to deliver at the hospital where my doctor works. They do not have a NICU, but they do have a level 2 nursery (which should be sufficient for twins born at 34 weeks or later). Daddy thinks we will spend this time worrying about going into labor early and end up delivering at 38 weeks. I have a feeling these babies will be here before Thanksgiving.

The good news is I can work for another week. My long term sub will be in to work with me 2 days next week, so I will feel better after getting her prepared to take over.