Thursday, April 7, 2011

Toy Story 3 On Ice

A few weeks ago, we went to Toy Story 3 On Ice. Grandma got us some great seats for a good price. All 3 kids loved it, and even the adults found parts funny. Ken and Barbie were hilarious. Ken had such a goofy walk that was perfect for his personality!

Here is a good pic of several characters.

I liked slinky dog the best. It's neat how they have one person as the head, and another person as the butt/tail.

The troll dolls were really cute!

Here is the clan minus Daddy (he was taking the pic). We even had lunch while we were there, and it wasn't a complete rip off! The QuikTrip at the Sprint Center sells food at it's regular prices, so we didn't have to buy $5 hotdogs. We did have to buy drinks though.

1 comment:

  1. We made up for the lunch cost in the Buzz Lighyear Light ups! Well worth it though...Alli still sleeps with hers every night. Thank you, Grandma!!!


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