Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Granny's 90!!

My Granny turned 90 last week!! She is quite an amazing lady!

Here is Buddy with his great Granny!

We had a party for her at Cinzetti's on Saturday. Here she is with her 9 kids!! We are having a big family reunion in August with all of these people and their families. It is looking like somewhere around 75 people will be there!! It will be so much fun!

Friday, March 25, 2011


It's KU game day. Get your game face on...

... kinda like Gracie's face in this picture. She really loved the KU scarf choking her and Buddy dragging her all over couch. Can't you tell?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Get pumped up!!

This is a great music video and song to get you excited for the KU game on Friday!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Over spring break, Buddy and I went to the KC zoo with Alli, Drew, Grandma, and Nonni (Drew and Alli's other grandma).

Here is Buddy at the top of the tree house.

Look at how long that monkey's arms are!! Look at that cute little monkey in front with his long hair! It is going to be hard to cut it this summer when it gets hot, but we will have to since he sweats like crazy! We are going for the Justin Bieber look, do you think it is working?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Swimming Lessons

Buddy just finished his swimming lessons this week. He has enjoyed being in the water with the other kids. This is the first time he has had lessons where mom or dad were not in the pool with him.

Here he is learning to back float. His teacher, Elisa, went to Mexico to study abroad with Mommy back in college.

Here are the kids practicing their kicks. The boy on the far right was like a little fish. He would go under water for like 10 seconds at a time. The other kids hardly wanted to get their hair wet. Watch out for this little 4 year old to be an Olympic swimmer some day!!

Up next, gymnastics... Buddy starts tumbling next week!


I am way behind on the blog!! About 3 weeks ago, we went to the Shriner's circus in Topeka with my friend Jessica and her little boy, Henry. We all had a great time at the two and a half hour long circus!

My favorite part was the elephants. See the little baby elephant!! He was so cute, and he could skip. On his way out of the ring, he skipped. Can you imagine how you would teach an elephant to skip?

The people in the tiger cage were out of their minds!! I was hoping we wouldn't witness a Sigfried and Roy event!!

Henry is just the cutest little guy. He looks exactly like his sister, Meleah (who was sick and didn't get to come to the circus, poor girl). All of the Stallbaumer's look exactly alike!

I figured Buddy would be scared of the clowns, but he wasn't! We tried to get him to ride a camel, but he didn't want to.