Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Life in the Miller Household

Things have settled down in the Miller house. We got Buddy's bed from Grandma and Grandpa's last night, so the basement is now complete. Daddy goes hunting this weekend (and will take Abbie, our dog), so we are going to try Buddy out sleeping in his new room. He is very excited about the Jayhawks on the walls!

We still have to come up with a plan for Abbie. She needs another pen because the one she has now is right outside the window of Buddy's new room. It would be okay if she didn't stay up and BARK most of the night because she hears/sees coyotes, deer, etc. We may resort to putting her in her dog box in the garage. She won't bark in there.

Anyone else enjoying this beautiful fall weather?

1 comment:

  1. Soooo.....if Buddy is moved downstairs....that leaves the other upstairs room open. Right? Who/what goes in there????

    And no, not enjoying the fall weather. Sunshine, nice. Cool temps, not so much. Bring back summer!


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