Monday, September 6, 2010

It could be a long season...

... of football for the Jayhawks. On Saturday, we lost to North Dakota State. :-(

I like the new "tunnel" they have for the players to come out of. They blow fog right before they come out. Also, the new jumbo-tron is nice except the writing is so small, you can hardly read it from your seats!!

On the plus side, we may get to take Buddy to more games this year for a very CHEAP price!!

He enjoyed the game and the fun activities in the Hawk Zone before the game.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, cousin, I didn't realize you were on the "bad season bandwagon" too!!! Boooo to you! (and my brother, my dad, D's cousin, and the host of other Jayhawk fans who boo'd the loss to NDSU) It was just first game/first coaching nerves and they got the best of them. :) And look what they did today to GT!? Rock chalk!


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