Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sad on Sunday

There are lots of reasons to be sad this Sunday.
  1. KU lost to Northern Iowa last night in the NCAA tournament.
  2. Back to work for Mommy tomorrow.
  3. Granny fell in her garage last night, and she is in the hospital. We hope she starts feeling better soon.
But, we had a great spring break and did lots of fun stuff!
  1. Mom and dad went to power and light to watch KU win the Big 12 tournament.
  2. Mom and dad took Buddy to KC. We visited the mall (the Easter bunny was there) and Coco Key (a water park). The picture with the bunny ears is as close to the Easter bunny as he wanted to get. He waved, but he did not want to sit on his lap!
  3. Several of Buddy's cousins visited from Texas. Since they stayed at Granny's, we saw her too. Here is Buddy and his cousin, Kailer.
  4. Buddy and mom went to Legends to shop on one of the 60 degree days. Buddy loved the dinosaurs at T-Rex, again.
  5. Mommy went to the eye doctor and ordered new glasses. While in Lawrence, we visited Gigi and Aunt Janice.
  6. Mommy went to a Lia Sophia party and ordered some new jewelry.
  7. We went to grandma and grandpa G's to watch KU lose! But, we got to play with Drew, Alli, Uncle Matt, Aunt Cori, Grandma and Grandpa. Here is Daddy, the elephant, giving rides. Of course, there were several crashes.

1 comment:

  1. A lot of fun and sad mixed together...but I'd have to say the fun won out. :) Hopefully we'll get to see you this coming weekend!


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