Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Full House

We have some of Daddy's cousins staying with us this week as their mom and dad are on a cruise. They are sleeping on our living room floor until Friday, so we have a full house. Suddenly, we went from a family of 3 to a family of 5. It is a little overwhelming but these girls are fairly well-behaved. It is handy that they go to school where I work, so I can take them to and from school everyday. Getting them ready is a bit of a challenge as they don't wake up easily! Add that with trying to get a one year old changed and fed, and it is exhausting! We will be ready to go back to a family of 3 very soon! I am hoping to get some pictures of the girls playing with Buddy tonight, so I can post them tomorrow. We are having an American Idol pizza party tonight!

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