Friday, January 30, 2009

Bath Time Fun

Buddy smiling at the girls!

The girls stop to pose while Buddy is taking his bath!

"Playing in the bath tub is fun!"
"Daddy, what in the world did you do to my hair?!"

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

We had a good time last night watching American Idol and eating pizza. Buddy's uncle Matt (the girls' cousin Matt) even came over with fudge bars. They really liked those! Little M even wanted another one. We told her we would save one for tonight!

Here's Mad-Dog playing with Buddy!

After fudge pops and American Idol, Little M was worn out!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Full House

We have some of Daddy's cousins staying with us this week as their mom and dad are on a cruise. They are sleeping on our living room floor until Friday, so we have a full house. Suddenly, we went from a family of 3 to a family of 5. It is a little overwhelming but these girls are fairly well-behaved. It is handy that they go to school where I work, so I can take them to and from school everyday. Getting them ready is a bit of a challenge as they don't wake up easily! Add that with trying to get a one year old changed and fed, and it is exhausting! We will be ready to go back to a family of 3 very soon! I am hoping to get some pictures of the girls playing with Buddy tonight, so I can post them tomorrow. We are having an American Idol pizza party tonight!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday Pics

Buddy can walk as long as he pushes this car! Buddy and Daddy

Buddy and Grandma and Grandpa's dog, Bailey.

Friday, January 23, 2009

On the verge...

Well, it seems like Buddy has been on the verge of walking for over a month now. He pushes his car around and walks in the walker, but he will not let go of anything to take any steps. He can stand by himself for a few seconds, but he usually goes down to the floor to crawl! Hopefully by his 1st birthday, he will be walking around. He is getting way too heavy to carry (about 25 lbs.)!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Sniffles

Buddy has had a cold for a couple of days now. Monday night he was up off and on until 2am. Luckily, dad took over so mommy could sleep. He knows how much I need sleep and he can handle a few hours of sleep and keep going. Last night was much better. He was down for the count by 9pm. I just hate this time of year with all of the cold and flu going around!

On a better note, yay for the new President!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Random pictures

Buddy is riding in his Caterpillar truck he got from his cousins for Christmas!
Buddy wants to let our OUTDOOR dog, Abbie, in the house!
Buddy and his favorite playmate, Gracie.
Buddy and his horsie that he got for Christmas from Grandma and Grandpa Miller!
The Christmas card picture we sent out!

No More Formula

It's time to transition from formula to whole milk. Buddy did not like the cold turkey switch, so we mixed half formula and half milk. He seems to like that. Next week we will try to use even less formula. The plus side is less formula=more money for us!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Birthday Fun!

We are preparing for our little boy's first birthday party. It will be the middle of February at our house. Can't wait to see his face when he gets to eat cake for the first time!

Our New Blog

I have been looking at other blogs for a while now, and I have decided to create a family blog. We hope you all enjoy.