Tuesday, August 4, 2009

More Vacation Photos

More from our vacation...

Here are some elk in Rocky Mountain National Park. We probably saw over 200 elk while driving through the park.

This is us in front of the park sign. We traveled on the famous Fall River road (which is only open June-September) and Trail Ridge road.

Here is our cabin in Estes Park. It is a cute place, and I would definitely like to come back some day. Everything is very clean and nice. The weather has been great, cool in the morning and evening. It has been in the 70's during the day.

This is right outside of our cabin. There are so many hummingbirds. They drank this entire feeder in one afternoon. They fill the feeders up every morning!


  1. OK. Now I'm getting jealous. The cabins look cool. We used to drive Fall River road when we were kids with dad and mom. I don't know if it is on it or on the Old Fall River road, but we would always stop by the waterfalls and take pictures. I think we have pictures of you and Matt by the falls when we went there. Grandma we may have to go to Colorado soon.

  2. It looks really serene there. I love it. The bird picture is great, good work. But the temperatures could stand to be about 15 degrees hotter for me. ;) Oh, and my last word verification was SHAGS. Gotta love word verifs.

  3. Oh, my verif for the last comment was CRAKS. LOL Okay, I'll stop.
    "shags craks"....lol

  4. Hope Hunter is having fun!

  5. Looks like you guys are having a great time and getting to see a lot of beautiful scenery. Those cabins look really cute. You'll have to give us the name of them...Uncle M. and I will definitely be traveling to CO next summer. Can't wait!!! Give Buddy a big hug from Auntie C.


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