Friday, February 27, 2015

Jayhawk Valentine's

For Valentine's day this year, we headed to watch the lady Jayhawks play basketball.  We have been to a few games already this year, and they are tons of fun for kids.  They have a play area set up before the game where kids can make posters and shoot hoops.

Sissy loves to pose with the cheerleaders and dancers!

A pic with Baby Jay!

After halftime, the Jayhawks came out in their Valentine's outfits!  Their shirts had light up hearts on them!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Bowling Party

We decided on a bowling party for Buddy this year.

He had to have a Minecraft cake!

Little bro bowled for about half of a game before he got bored!  There were not enough buttons to push, apparently.  Although, he did find the reset button a few times.

Sissy enjoyed bowling.

Here is the group of party people.  I was worried they might get rowdy and bored, but they all were great!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Happy 7th Birthday Buddy!  You are a strong-willed, stubborn, smart and goofy ball of energy.  It is hard to keep up with you most days, but we love you very much!  You are definitely a first-born child with all of your perfectionistic tendencies.

Monday, February 16, 2015

100th Day of 1st Grade

The first graders dressed like 100 year old people for the 100th day of school!  It was a cute idea, and there were several good costumes.  Buddy looked great with this mask on!

Here is Buddy with his good friend Ava.  They make a cute old couple!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Snow Fun!

While Dad and Buddy were hunting, Mommy took the twins out to play in the snow.  This is the first time they have had much time outside to play in the snow EVER.  It has always been such a pain to get them all geared up and out the door.  Now that they are older, it is easier!  They had fun, but only played for 20 minutes or so because the wind was howling!

Here, they are having a snowball fight!

Here, they are riding on the sled!