Tuesday, February 25, 2014

6 Years Old!

Wow! 6 years have flown by!

Mom and dad got him Zoomer, the robotic dog.  You can tell him to do things like a real dog.  He even runs around and goes "pee" when you are not playing with him!

He got a squirrel call from grandma and grandpa which he was soooo excited about!

Buddy and his ninja turtle cake!  We had his party at a place with tons of bouncy houses.  So, the kids had a blast.

Here are all of his friends at the party!  Little bro would not cooperate for the picture because he didn't want to stop jumping!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Potty Training

Since we had 3 snow days last week, Mommy took the opportunity to potty train the twins.  We were trapped anyway with a foot of snow, so why not?  With dad out of town for the week, it was quite the undertaking.  It was by no means easy.  In fact, it was a very difficult and long 3 days.  Buddy helped as much as he could which was nice.

Mommy did the same thing she did with the Buddy: naked for 3 days straight.  All we could do was watch them very closely and as soon as they start to potty on the floor, throw them on the potty chair.  It was hard to do much of anything else like laundry, cook, etc because you want to "catch" them at every opportunity.

We gave them stickers for going on the potty and reminded them VERY often.  Sissy struggled at first because she held her pee.  Little bro did great, but he walked over to potty about every 5 minutes.  Opposites as usual, but that is for another post...  By day 3, they were both doing well with a few accidents.  Friday, Mommy and Buddy returned to school.  The babysitter kept up the routine, but they had 6 accidents total throughout the day.  Sissy only had 1, but little bro was peeing everywhere still.

Saturday wasn't a lot better for little bro, so we debated whether he was really getting it.  On Sunday, Mommy was tired of being at home and ventured to Grandma's.  To her surprise, they made it the entire way in the car without peeing (an hour drive).  They did great all day.  Little bro had one incident of pooping and peeing on Grandma's floor after supper.  They made it all the way back home without any incidents!

I checked in with the babysitter today, and they have done great today too.  Sissy even pooped on the potty!  I think they have turned the corner and are on their way to being potty trained!  Yay!

For those who are wondering, we do diapers at naptime and bedtime because they just have to "learn" that with time.

Monday, February 3, 2014

100th Day of School!

Buddy is celebrating the 100th day of school today! Glad we didn't have a snow day today, so he could celebrate and wear his shirt!

Looks like we might be out the rest of the week for a BIG snowstorm!  A widespread 6-10 inches with some places maybe seeing a foot of snow!  WOW!