Friday, January 17, 2014

iPad Fun

Sissy has become a pro at the iPad lately!

She loves the puzzles on it.

...until little bro comes over and starts pushing buttons.  I don't think he even gets what he is supposed to do.  It is so funny how much girls and boys are different.  Sissy knows several colors already, and we can't even get little bro to slow down long enough to teach them to him.  He just gets bored!  Buddy was the same way.  I don't think he knew his colors until he was almost 4.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January Zoo Trip

We visited the zoo this past weekend, since the temp was above 60 degrees! Buddy stayed to help dad cut wood, but the twins and Mommy went with Grandma and Grandpa to the zoo.

We saw the red pandas playing!

One of our other favorite spots to visit is the polar bear exhibit.  Nikita was having fun with the barrel.

 Little bro's favorite animals to visit were the penguins.  It is a new exhibit, and it is neat to watch them swim around.  His fascination might come from the fact that they watch Happy Feet all the time!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

December 23

December 23 is always a special day every year. It is when Mommy's family has always done Christmas. With many celebrations on Christmas Eve and Christmas day, December 23 is the day Mommy and her immediate family have celebrated Christmas for over 20 years. Tradition is to go to Nikko's Japanese Steakhouse for dinner, and then come home to open gifts. With our family growing much larger with the grandkids, Nikko's may get moved to another time of year.  There just isn't room around the grill!

Memorable December 23rds of years past:
  • Mommy remembers getting a hamster as a kid.
  • Daddy proposed to Mommy nine years ago.
  • Uncle Matt was sick with the stomach flu several years back.
  • Uncle Matt and Aunt Cori made the announcement that they were having another baby 6 years ago.
  • Nani (Cori's mom) joined us this year for dinner and presents!

The annual pic near Grandma and Grandpa's tree.  It actually turned out pretty good!

A pic of all the kids!

Grandma reading Twas the Night Before Christmas to the big kids

Here, the twins are playing with their new bowls and spoons.  They literally carried those things around all night.  Another hit gift was the little high chair/swing that sissy uses for her dolls.  Here, they are feeding Minnie imaginary food.  Excuse sissy's outfit.  She cried until I put on all of the clothes she got as gifts!!  I thought maybe just the Minnie/Mickey t-shirt would satisfy her.  No, she had to put on the other shirt and sweatpants too!

Miss Ariel or cousin Alli!  Can you tell we are all gearing up for our Disney trip in a few months?!  We are all SOOOOO beyond excited, it is ridiculous.

Grandpa finally got his ove glove.  I guess he mentioned that he wanted one last year, but nobody got the hint (or didn't actually believe someone would want one of those for Christmas!!).  He was so happy!

I'm thinking we may need to start a new meal tradition, since it will be hard to eat at Nikko's with such a big group next year.  We left the twins with Aunt Maggie again this year, but it doesn't seem fair to do that another year!  Another teacher at our school had a grandmother who always had chili and cinnamon rolls for their Christmas dinner.  I'm thinking this might be a nice idea!  We will just have to see what next year brings!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Christmas with Shelley

We had our annual Christmas with Shelley on the 22nd! We weren't sure if everyone would make it up the driveway in the snow, but they made it with a little push.  I guess Matt didn't make it, but he hitched a ride up!

The twins got the hang of opening gifts rather quickly.  I think their recent birthday helped with that!  The days following this, we had to keep a close eye on Carter as he opened or started to open many gifts that were not his!

Buddy wanted to play trouble, and the game lasted nearly an hour!

After Shelley, Derek, and Sarah went home, we headed to the Topeka mall to ride the train.  Grandpa wanted to ride up front.

Grandma rode in the back with the kids.  They really liked waving at all the people as they rode around the mall!