Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Bear Pride

Buddy's school has been doing Bear Pride on the Home Front this year.  Each week, they talk about one of the Bear Pride expectations (respect, responsibility, empathy, engaged) and how they can demonstrate them at school.  As parents, we are supposed to talk with them about how those expectations look at home.  If we go over them, we submit a little slip of paper telling the school what we talked about.  Those slips are put in a drawing each week, and Buddy won last week!  I think he earned some bear bucks to spend at the bear store!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Visit with Granny

We went to visit Granny last week.  We were definitely due for a visit.  She seems to be doing great and was in great spirits.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Potty Success

I'll admit that I am not in a rush to potty train the twins.  I know that may sound weird.  Potty training is stressful and very time consuming!  But, I decided last weekend to go ahead and get the potty chairs out of the closet.  I knew that I didn't want to start hard core until next summer, when I am home with them 24/7.  I figured it wouldn't hurt to introduce them to the potty chair and let them sit on it occasionally.  I am pleased to announce that sissy has used the potty 4 times and peed (even if only a tinkle) all 4 times.  Maybe training one of them will be easy!!  Little bro doesn't seem to enjoy sitting on the potty.  He just doesn't slow down enough to sit anywhere!