Sunday, February 24, 2013

New pets!

We got a few new pets as gifts for Buddy's birthday! They have been fun to watch. With all of these snow days, we have had plenty of time to play with them. It looks like we will be getting more snow days tomorrow and possibly Wednesday.

This is Jayhawk, since he is in the basketball shell.  He loves to come out and walk around.  He crawls on your hand, and he like to climb the plastic tree in their cage.

We had a small plastic cage, but we bought them a bigger glass tank for more room.  We put up a backing that they can climb, and Sponge Bob was the first to try it out.  You can see him half way up the wall in this picture.  They seem to enjoy the bigger tank, and it is easier to get them in and out of.  The extra shells you see are ones for them to move into as they grow.  Sponge Bob used to be named Captain, when he was in the pirate shell.

Monday, February 18, 2013


This guy is FIVE today!  Happy birthday Buddy!  We love you!

He wanted a Chuck E Cheese party, and here is most of the crew who joined us.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Monster Jam 2013

We went to Monster Jam again this year, and it was fun!

This was my favorite truck this year.  It looked like a fire truck with real, flashing lights!

So, they sell these green, Grave Digger disks that are sort of like frisbees.  The guy in green came out to demonstrate them.  That green suit left NOTHING to the imagination.  You could see every ounce of fat, etc on this guys body.  It was SOO funny!

At intermission, they brought out real transformers.  They were cars that drove out, and they turned into moving, talking, flame-shooting robots.

At the end of the show, we caught up with Adam Anderson, driver of Grave Digger, The Legend.  This guy is the real deal.  His dad is the one famous for being the driver of the original Grave Digger.  Anyone in the monster truck world would think it was cool to have a pic with this guy.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Carhartt twins

Here are the Carhartt twins in their matching bibs!  They looked too cute not to snap some pics!  When they were tiny, I wanted to get them matching pink and brown Carhartt diaper covers (but I never did).  These overalls are just as cute.  Thanks Grandma & Grandpa for getting them for us!


The big boy, who is easily 2 inches taller than sissy.

Sissy, the petite little gal.  People are now seriously checking us out and asking if they are twins, when we are out and about.  I think he looks so much bigger than her, and people just aren't sure...

 I did not realize how much people are interested in twins.  We get looks and questions EVERY time we take them in public to eat, go to the grocery store, etc.  Most are friendly...  Some spout off with "better you than me" or "wow, I couldn't do that" comments, but not too often!  To be honest, we ARE VERY glad it is us and NOT you anyway!!

Friday, February 1, 2013

We Are Walking!

Sissy is finally walking!  I had to post this video because her little waddle is sooo cute!