Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Babies' Room

We have finished setting up the babies' room. We are lucky we have large bedrooms. Daddy mentioned how crowded it was. I thought we did pretty good. Most people don't have bedrooms big enough for two cribs, a changing table/dresser, and recliner!! I am patting myself on the back for decorating Buddy's room gender neutral 4 years ago!! We would have had a lot more work and more stuff to buy if we had decorated it for a boy!

We are thankful for all of the stuff people have given us for these babies. We really have not had to buy many big, new things besides diapers and girl clothes. People have given us a car seat, double stroller, bumbo, pack n play, and many other things. I have bought a crib, swing, double jogging stroller, and a few other things at garage sales for fairly cheap.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Party & 22 Weeks

We celebrated Alli's birthday at Chuck E Cheese!

She LOVED her Buzz and Woody cake!

The babies are growing. Buddy asks people all the time (those that have the slightest pooch) if THEY have babies in their tummy. Sorry in advance to anyone he offends!!

In other news, Mommy went back to work, and Buddy started a new daycare. He really likes the new daycare, and they are always playing outside! Things are getting really busy again!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hay Bale Toss & 20 Weeks

We went to the Douglas County Fair, so Daddy could throw hay. They had a 7 and under category, so we signed Buddy up!

Look at that determination!

He got his first throw up there, but he missed on the second throw. Of course, he cried because he couldn't do it! The lady gave him a box of markers, and he was okay after that! Then, we made our way over to the demolition derby. Buddy really enjoyed it!

Here is the 20 weeks photo!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


So, I said I wasn't going to buy very many boy things, since we have all of Buddy's stuff, but... They ARE twins, so they should match sometimes, right? I mean, when they are 12, how many matching outfits will I be able to find for boy/girl twins? So, while they are little, I am going to coordinate them a few times!