Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Crazies

We had a great Christmas. Buddy got way too many gifts! People are just too kind!!

Here is one of his favorites, a John Deere. He got this from Santa (aka Grandma and Grandpa). Here he is on December 30 when it was 65+ degrees outside!! It felt like spring, but it was just a tease!

Here is Mommy's family on December 23, which is when my side always celebrates Christmas. This is at our favorite Japanese Steakhouse, Nikko's. It is by far the best we have ever had because of their ginger sauce.

All of these folks are coming up to our house tonight for New Year's Eve. Since our basement is done, we have room for all of them to stay the night. Buddy will love spending quality time with his cousins!! The adults will enjoy playing Killer Bunnies once the little ones are in bed! Happy New Year to all!

Monday, December 20, 2010

It's Christmas in Kansas City

On Saturday, we went to the plaza to see the lights. We haven't been in a few years, and we thought Buddy would like it.

Mr. and Mrs. Claus were there!!

Here we are waiting for our carriage ride. Buddy wanted to meet the horses, Briggs and Stratton.

Uncle Matt came with us and paid for our carriage ride! Thanks Uncle Matt!

It was really neat because it started to snow while we were there. You can see a few dots of snow in this picture. Snow always makes a wintry scene more beautiful.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gingerbread Trailer House

Daddy wanted to make Gingerbread Houses with Buddy the other night, so he stopped by the store to get the supplies. Of course, we did not use gingerbread, but graham crackers instead. I suspected it wouldn't work out very well, but Daddy insisted. So, below is our Gingerbread Trailer House...

It was difficult to get the roof on, so it just looked like a rectangular box.

After some propping up, we got the roof to stay on. The entire project lasted 20 minutes, and Buddy just sat there dipping his finger in the frosting and eating it. He did put the gum drops and some sprinkles on too. Dad gets an "E" for effort! :-)

***In case you are wondering, Buddy's shirt says "Dear Santa, I can explain..."***

Monday, December 13, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dad's Birthday and Lobster

Daddy's birthday was on Saturday, and we celebrated with a trip to Red Lobster.

The nice hostess got a lobster out for us to "pet."

Also, we had some no-bake Reece's Peanut Butter Cup cake. Yum yum!

We are having so much fun this year getting ready for Christmas. Buddy just loves the songs on the radio, especially jingle bells. All he talks about is Christmas, lights, and Santa! This Christmas should be really fun because he finally "gets it."

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Santa visits Oskaloosa

Our local library hosted Santa this morning. Also, they could decorate cookies and make a gingerbread man.

Eating the cookie was much more fun than decorating it!

Here he is telling Santa that he wants a red bike! Let's hope he is a good boy and gets what he wants!