Sunday, August 29, 2010

Demo Derby

We attended the demolition derby in McLouth this weekend. It's quite amazing the type of people these events bring out...but, we were part of the bunch ;-) I have never seen a car flip at a derby before, so this was quite exciting!!

Here is Buddy in his Lightning McQueen sunglasses. They were quite appropriate for the event, since he thought we were there to watch "race cars." He loved it, and stayed up waaaaaaay past his bed time. Might as well enjoy the summer weather while it lasts. As we all know, snow drifted, icy roads and long days stuck in the house are just around the corner. Yeah, yeah, it's only August...

Friday, August 13, 2010

Great Song

Now, I am not much of a fan of country music. But, I love this song, and it is great for back to school. Go to and search for The Boys of Fall by Kenny Chesney. Listen to the song, and see what you think. Our principal told us about it. Of course, he has a son who plays in the NFL, so he LOVES the song. It reminds me of our small town... I can see how all of our "boys" listen to this song and can really relate to it. I'm sure Buddy's dad loves this song too :-)

"get to wear our jerseys down the hall"
"in little towns like mine, it's all they've got"
"you mess with one man, you've got us all"

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The End of Summer

Buddy has loved riding his "favorite" horse, Blackie Sue, this summer. Grandma even got him a little saddle.

"Yee haw!"

Here is what I hope to do these last few days before I have to go back to school. This is our precious cat, Gracie. It has been a wonderful summer! I got my Master's Degree finished, spent lots of time at the pool, and had a great vacation to Florida!! Let's hope this school year is just as good!