Sunday, June 27, 2010

Toy Story Cupcakes

At the festival in our town, many vendors set up to raise money. They had desserts for sale to support the local ball teams. They had soooo many desserts donated that they had to auction off about 20 of them at the end of Saturday night. So, we bid on some cupcakes and a cake. When I went to grab them, turns out they were Toy Story cupcakes. How perfect! Buddy LOVES Toy Story, and he loved the cupcakes!!

He had blue frosting up his nose!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Carnival Comes to Town

Old Settlers is going on in our town this weekend. Tonight kicked off the 3 night event. Buddy is really starting to enjoy it because he can ride more rides this year! He is excited for more fun on Friday and Saturday!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

Sorry for no recent posts. Mommy is taking her last master's class, and she is juggling Buddy at the same time. Her class is in KC, so she stays with Grandma and Grandpa part of the time and takes the bus (from Lawrence) to class the other part of the time. Kind of crazy!

A big thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for all their babysitting, meals, etc. Thanks to Daddy for handling the house while Mommy and Buddy are gone. Another thanks to Daddy for working on finishing the basement in his free time. I guess I need to put up some updated pictures of the progress.

A huge thanks to Buddy for getting a handle on this potty training thing. He has been doing very well staying dry. Also, he does poop on the potty at least once a day. We have gone a couple of days here and there with no accidents (pee or poop). We still have to take him ourselves (he doesn't tell us yet), but I'll take it!! I guess I should say that he does still need a diaper at night. Most people say that takes a few months (after being potty trained during the day) for them to figure out.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Weekend Highlights

PATIENCE... It was the name of the game this weekend. I think everyone demonstrated their patience very well. With 4 kids between the ages of 23 months and 4 years, we camped in Bennett Springs State Park and had a GREAT time!! We had quite a crew go on the trip. Joining us on the trip were: Buddy's 2 cousins (Drew and Alli), Aunt Cori, Uncle Matt, Grandma, and Grandpa, Aunt Cori's parents (Nani and Papa), brother Ryan, and Ryan's son, Parker. We missed Kristin (Ryan's wife) and baby Connor, but they decided to skip out on this camping trip!

Daddy and the topless toddlers with their popsicles!!

Thanks to Aunt Cori, the kids all went horseback riding. Buddy was a little scared at first, but they all loved it!!

Buddy and Drew in their matching "happy camper" t-shirts. For the most part, we were all happy campers!! Parker is in the background!

Since we are still potty training, Buddy spent lots of time naked or in his big boy undies. He loved playing with his fishing pole and pretended to fish at the camp site. Alli is in the background, searching for ice... All of these kids LOVED to eat ice!!

The guys enjoyed trout fishing. Here is Grandpa (aka Frampa) and Uncle Matt. Between the 5 guys, they caught about 10 fish total over the 2 days. Not a great catch, but it was better than none!! They tasted good too!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Potty Training: Day 3

Well, today is the final day of the 3 day method. It has gone very well. We seem to have peeing down! He didn't pee at all during his nap. We even went to Walmart today without any accidents. I took him to the bathroom about half way through our trip just to be sure he wouldn't pee in the car!! He did well even on the big Walmart potty. So, I suggest this method to anyone wanting to get started. It does seem to work. Hopefully we can get a handle on this poo poo business soon!

(On a side note, we still use diapers at night. I will continue to do that until we can go several nights pee free!!)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Weekend

We had an enjoyable memorial weekend. We went to see the Dinosaur exhibit at Union Station on Saturday. On Saturday night, we went to the rodeo in Tongie. On Sunday, we had a cookout with Grandma and Grandpa Miller. On Monday, we did the usual cemetery stuff in Lawrence. I'm glad we visit the cemeteries. I think it is a good tradition to share with Buddy. He hasn't missed a Memorial Day service yet.

In other Miller news, we are doing the 3 day potty training method. We just finished up day 2, and it is going well. I don't think Buddy will be fully potty trained after tomorrow as the training says he will be, but we will see. He does a good job of going pee when I put him on the pot every 45 minutes or so. However, he does not tell me when he needs to pee. Hopefully that will come soon!! Not sure how the poop will go. He did not poop today at all. I know, I know, TMI.

This pic is from the rodeo. Buddy enjoyed exploring this fire truck. They let him sit inside and try on their helmets!

Buddy was in awe at the dinosaurs. He was scared and excited all at the same time. Check out his dino t-shirt!!

The whole family went to see the dinosaurs. Buddy really LOVES hanging with his cousins. This coming weekend, we are all going camping together. It should be a fun time!!