Thursday, May 27, 2010

School's Out for Summer!!!

I can hear Alice Cooper singing the song on the radio now...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Shorts and Cowboy Boots

Buddy LOVES his cowboy boots. He loves them so much that he wants to wear them all the time. So, this weekend we played outside and he wore them....with shorts! He is definitely going to be a country boy with cowboy boots and a pick-up truck.

He also loves the new chalk we bought him this weekend. He likes carrying it around in a bucket.

Here is his grumpy look. The conversation went like this: "Smile and say cheese!" "No, mama, no cheese!"

So, I persuaded him to take a pic with me :-)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sick Boy

Buddy has been running a fever for a couple of days. We thought it might be chicken pox, since a girl at daycare had them 2 weeks ago. However, the red dots seemed to have gone away today and we just noticed them last night. So, if he had them, he had an EXTREMELY mild case. This is possible because he has had one vaccination for them already. We are going to keep an eye on him to make sure more spots don't appear!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Goofy Boy

Buddy decided to play in the tube of his "Cars" tent last night. He kept standing it up while he was inside. Then, I would peek over the top and he would giggle. I couldn't get a shot of him giggling because he moves too quick for my camera!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pictureless Post

No pictures to post from the weekend...

We did several things though! On Friday night, we froze our butts off at the KU baseball game. I guess mine needs to be frozen off anyway! Wouldn't it be great it that ACTUALLY happened when we went out in the cold?? Anyway...

On Saturday, we visited with Grandma, Grandpa, Matt, Coco, Drew and Alli at the lake. They camped and we just went out there for supper. On the way home from the lake, Daddy got pulled over. Luckily, he did NOT get a ticket.

On Sunday, we did the usual holiday rounds of visiting Great Grandparents and Grandparents. It was a busy day, and Mommy got to eat out at Noodles & Company, one of her new favorite restaurants!! Mommy also got roses for Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sweet Little Boy

We visited Gage Park last weekend. We did not have time to do the zoo this time, but we rode the train and played on all of the climbing toys! Don't worry, Buddy did not forget we were near the zoo. As soon as we got out of the car, he said "gonna go see animals?"

Here he is peeking out of one of the holes of a giant, concrete tugboat.

Here we are rocking back and forth. Daddy is on the opposite side taking the picture. Look how much fun Mommy is having... and Buddy??? Not so much...

Here he is "cheese"-ing on an octopus. If you ever get the chance, Gage Park really is cool for kids. It is a big park with lots of playground stuff, a zoo, a train, and an outdoor carousel.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Little Fish

Here is some video of our little fish at his swimming lessons!