Monday, November 30, 2009

Disney on Ice

As part of our busy holiday weekend, we went to Disney on Ice. Buddy loved it! Believe it or not, the skaters were really good. It wasn't cheesy like I thought it might be. There were multiple people coordinated together as one character and skating in sync (like Pumba from Lion King and a shark from Nemo). Simba was great and lifted Nala up several times. They were very talented skaters.

Can you pick out any of the characters? The genie from Aladdin is the one skating by in this pic.

Here is Buddy really zoned in on the show!

He was getting into the Disney music by clapping!

Mommy and Buddy with the ice and castle in the background.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Quiet Weekend

This weekend was fairly quiet. We didn't do a ton, but it was kind of nice.

We got together with Mommy's family for birthday dinner on Saturday. Mommy's brother and Mommy have birthdays that are 4 days apart, so we celebrated with pizza dinner this weekend. Also, Grandma and Daddy have birthdays in a few weeks so we celebrated those too! It was fun and the kids enjoyed playing. I was lazy and did not take pictures!

Also, we got our house cleaning done! Yahoo!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Mommy!

I thought this cartoon was cute! Happy birthday to me!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Here is the little farmer on Halloween. We went for the cheap and easy costume this year!

Buddy's cousin was a cowboy. What a great costume! He galloped all over the neighborhood!

Here is Buddy's other cousin, Alli cat. Meow!

Here I am, the jail bird. Notice the sheriff in the background. He's the one who arrested me...